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The Hopelets…

The Hopelets…

I can barely open my eyes
Don’t know why
What happened to me
Feel like I lost myself…

Why my body is so lame
The color has also changed
My face was shiny dark red
And had green small hands
Now all of me is brown
And I can see myself dried up…

I think the weather got stuck
It should be cold rainy season
I couldn’t find any tiny droplets…

I can feel the lonely breeze
Passing through my dried hands
To check if am alive or not, I guess..!

I searched for those chirps
Those woke me up daily but
No one is here near me
Only me and the drained silence…

I am thirsty , need a wake up call
To live, I need those cold droplets
But those days are not far…
For their soul, nature, and life;
They are going to Scream!

But nothing will be there
They’ll be buried in the empty breeze
The deadly breeze of mother nature.

3 thoughts on “The Hopelets…

  1. Reply
    July 16, 2021 at 3:26 pm

    Holdin broken present nd tellin a way to change the horrible future, that yet to come, quite deep thought, way to go dear 🙂

  2. Reply
    July 16, 2021 at 3:37 pm

    Beautiful ❤️

  3. Reply
    July 16, 2021 at 3:50 pm

    This poem is so pretty.. thought generative…

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